About Cox15-BLAST

Cox15-Blast is a customized version of ViroBLAST particularly for blasting cox15-related sequences. User can search potential cox15-related sequences by using tblastn against two jakobids' transcriptomes. Currently only two protein queries (cox15-1 from A. godoyi, and cox15-2 from Homo sapiens) are allowed to perform the searches. Any new query request for searching two jakobids' transcriptomes could be made by emailing chengjie.fu@ebc.uu.se or ding.he@ebc.uu.se.

About ViroBLAST

ViroBLAST in Dr. Mullins Lab at University of Washington was established to provide sequence comparison and contamination checking on viral research. It is readily useful for all research areas that require BLAST functions and is available as a downloadable archive for independent installation. ViroBLAST implements the NCBI C++ Toolkit BLAST command line applications referred as the BLAST+ applications.

With the common features of other BLAST tools, the ViroBLAST provides features like:

  1. Blast multiple query sequences at a time via copy-paste sequences or upload sequence fasta file.
  2. Provide email option to receive the result via email.
  3. Blast against user's own sequence data set besides the public databases on ViroBLAST.
  4. Blast against multiple sequence databases simultaneously.
  5. Summarize results via tabular output and allows further analysis.
  6. Download sequences in databases that match user's query sequences.

Please cite the following paper if you use ViroBLAST:

Deng W, Nickle DC, Learn GH, Maust B, and Mullins JI. 2007. ViroBLAST: A stand-alone BLAST web server for flexible queries of multiple databases and user's datasets. Bioinformatics 23(17):2334-2336.